Major7th Music
This is the Major7th Music admin page.

Q: I registered an account but have not received any emails. Why?
A: This site does not use automated email. You will not receive an automatic email when you register or make changes. However, we may send emails manually if necessary. If you need to contact us, please register your e-mail address.
Q: I cannot enter a password longer than 8 characters. Why?
A: Password must be between 4 and 8 characters. Otherwise, it will not be accepted. Accounts that have not been accessed for a certain period of time with initial registration may be deleted with administrative privileges.
Q: I forgot my password. Can you reissue it?
A: If you have forgotten your password, or if you have changed it and can no longer log in, please contact us at the contact information below for a quick response if you have registered your e-mail address on the Edit Profile page. Please note that we may not be able to respond if you have not registered your e-mail address.
Q: Why is the composer required to register a song?
A: Only files for which you hold the copyright, or files in the public domain that you have arranged or performed, may be uploaded to this site.
Q: What happens to the copyrights of the songs I upload?
A: Uploading a song to our site does not change the copyright at all. The rights do not transfer.
Q: I want to delete my account. How can I do this?
A: It is possible from the bottom of the Edit Profile page.
Please contact if you need any assistance.
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About me
Created by Studio Major7th.